Doctor Anas Gherissi
Esthetic and Plastic Surgeon
Preferred specializations and procedures:
Liposuction, BBL, tummy tuck, breast surgery, facelift, body lift
Career path
2014Doctor trainer and trainer in vaser high def and cool lipo in Saudi Arabia
2010DIU (inter university diploma) of Evaluation and Control In Injection Techniques And Volumetry In Dermatology And Plastic Surgery. Paris Descartes Medical School. Paris VI. France
2009DIU of Hand Medico-Surgical Pathology. Pierre and Marie Curie Medical School. Paris VI. France
2007DIU of Microsurgery Techniques. Henri Poincaré Medical School. Nancy. France
2007Diploma of Speciality in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Tunis. Tunisia
2006Graduate in Medical Studies (M.D.). Tunis. Tunisia
2002Residenship Admission
1999 - 2001Internship
1994 - 1999Medical Studies. Tunis El Manar Medical School. Tunisia
Registered with the council of the order of Tunisian doctors.
Member of ISAPS (International society of aesthetic and plastic surgery)
Member of the "société française de la chirurgie esthétique et plastique"
Member of the "Tunisienne de la chirurgie esthétique et plastique"
Types of procedures performed
Hand Surgery and Microsurgery
Liposuction: classic, with laser (Renovion Jplasma, Cool lLipo), with ultrasound (Vaser Hi-Defintion)
Breast surgery: breast augmentation, breast reduction, mastopexia, gynecomastia
Bodysculpting: abdominoplasty, thigh lift, brachioplasty, buttock lift, bodylift
Facial surgery: facial lifting, temporal lifting, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, rhinoplasty
Lipofilling, BBL
Médecine esthétique: Injections: botox, fillers
Aesthetic Medicine: Injections: botox, fillers Silhouette Soft
Dr Anas Gherissi
Professional experience
June 2017 until nowPlastic and Aesthetic Surgeon, Gherissi Plastic Surgery office, Tunis
December 2012 – November 2018Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon, Rama Premiere Clinic, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
December 2010 – November 2012Plastic and Aesthetic Surgeon. Refresh Clinic, Riyadh. Saudi Arabia
May 2009- September 2010Assistant in Aesthetic Surgery in different private hospitals in Paris:
- Clinique du Louvre
- Clinique Elysée Montaigne
- Clinique Sainte Genvieve
- Clinique des princes
- Institut Européen de chirurgie esthétique
November 2008- April 2009Fellow in Hand and Upper Limb Surgery at Jouvenet Private Hospital. Paris 16th – France
1er Mars 2000 - 31 Octobre 2008Various services and internships between Tunisia and France,
1er Novembre 2008 - 31 Avril 2009Fellow in Hand and Upper Limb Surgery at Jouvenet Private Hospital. Paris 16th – France
November 2007- October 2008Fellow in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery Department ; Pr Bellavoir. Saint Joseph Hospital. Paris 14th – France
November 2006- October 2007Fellow in Hand Surgery Department ; Pr Liverneaux. Orthopaedic and Hand Surgery Center. Strasbourg – France
2002 - 2006Parcours de résidanat dans differents stages en Tunisie en chirurgie plastique réparatrice et esthétique.